Thursday, July 5, 2007

Nurturing Religious Pluralism

"Either you are with us or against us," say leaders in American Socitey. If you seek a "third way," you are in for some relief. Dr. Eboo Patel brings message of religious pluralism grown from his roots in the practice of Islam in India. He was the guest on today's broadcast of Diane Reahm's Show on NPR. His presentation offered hope for any who seek to build communities of tolerance and hope. Patel notes that the dividing line between religions is not along faith lines, but around attitude lines. There are those who have the only way. There are others whose faiths welcome conversation across faith lines. The damaging fruit of the "only way" crowd is, only now, becoming clear. We do need a different way. I recommend to you Patel's work with the Interfaith Youth Core. The organization works with young people to build mutual understanding between religious communities through shared service. What a breath of fresh air! Check out the webist at

It is good news. Pass it on!

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