Sunday, April 22, 2007

We Begin. . .

My Border Collies, Maggie and Bridget, herd the Canada Geese in one of Battle Creek’s City Parks. At first, the goose chase seems an exercise in futility. Ever so slowly, the repeated visits shape the habits of master, dogs and geese. What appears to be a sudden thing, in fact, has taken weeks, sometimes months, of sustained effort. And then things fall into place. It is as if the entire gaggle has one mind.

People of faith suffer from neglect of a dialogue, a product of a highly personal and narcissistic spirituality so prevalent in today’s Church. These faith voices appear to be shouting back and forth, lacking a coherent center. This blog pursues those moments where the commonplace and the community work together to reveal the human quest with divine life. Such a sustained effort can create of a soul a community of souls. "A dialogue is a community of words," says a Quaker friend of mine. I hope that such a living community can be explored through these musings.

The conversation begins. I look forward to its emerging textures, the places where spirit and human life meet. You are invited to be a part of that conversation.

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