Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Current Events

Morel Theology

It would help to have some rain to bring out the morels. To date, I have found none. Across Michigan this spring, there has not been enough water to bring them out. (We need no 40 days and 40 nights, one warm rain will do) This is the time they are scheduled to arrive. I'll keep looking! But we will need the spring rain.


Last Sunday was the anniversary of the Hindenberg Disaster of 1937. I wrote this poem on that Sunday afternoon, May 6.

Hindenburg: 70 Years Ago

Were their men wearing spats
as the mighty flier
floated into Lakehurst, N.J.?
Or were they dressed casual?
And where did they eat and sleep on that big balloon?

The investigators have no answers for their questions.
They do not understand what blew the airship sky high.
It might have had something to do with the Helium embargo
enacted to punish the Third Reich.

Those who leapt from the gondola that day
did not survive.
Those who stayed, did.

At exactly 7:25 post meridian, they each
came to their decision one by one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the poem! Here's a link to learn more about the Hindenburg zeppelin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LZ_129_Hindenburg)