Saturday, July 5, 2008

That'll Do

Magdalen Snowblower May 7, 1998 - July 5, 2008

"May I be the person my dog thinks I am," reads the sign that has hung over my desk for most of Maggie's life. For those who have mastered a Border Collie, you know that the human dog relationship is intense and deeply gratifying. Maggie died this morning at age 10. She is worth remembering not only because she was a wonderful companion, but for all that she gave to so many. She was a regular presence at St. Paul's Church, Marquette for 8 of her ten years, a welcomer and companion to many. Her presence took the imposing edge off of that wonderful Victorian Structure, inviting many into the place in a wonderful way. During her last two years, she herded the geese at Battle Creek's parks, a contract employee of the City of Battle Creek. She gave more than she got. The empty space she leaves behind is enormous. In the end, we are all better for having had contact with Maggie. Her death, as her life was noble and gentle. We will miss her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mark and Sharon, Larry and the four dogs in Marquette send their sympathies. Maggy was a sweetheart. Peace