Saturday, August 2, 2008

Boundary Waters, 2008

The long awaited canoe trip in Minnesota's Boundary Waters took us for a few nights to Slim Lake, a quiet spot not far from Ely. What marked this trip in my own heart was that it was the first 3 generation canoe trip for both the Engle family and the Morgan family. Uncles Jason and Matt showed off their fishing, camping and cooking prowess gained from three decades of canoe trips. They were the work horses of the trip. What is always gratifying is the way such a journey brings everyone back to the basics of their lives. It is one of the only places where the "good of the whole" surpasses the desires of each traveller. It is also the place where a little effort can make the quality of life measurably better. Young Cousins, Eleanor and Kennedy brought a joy and enthusiasm to the whole party. I will not soon forget the howling games of cribbage that followed the dinner dishes each night. "Fish naming has been all the rage." writes Jason, "Gilligan was # 1 fish yesterday. (It)was Scruffy, until Matt reminded Eleanor that fish don't have fur. Hmmmm. . . but they DO HAVE GILLS!" Hence Gilligan.

As with all canoe adventures, they are the very best in prospect and retrospect, as the muscle twinges and sheer exhasution subside. It was not long before talk of next year's trip began to surface. So where are we going in 2009? I already have volunteers for the trip!

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